Today Dr. Geek and I attended Mass at our registered parish (I don't say local parish because said church is in fact 15 miles away from our home.) The reason for attending this particular parish is history. It is the church we were married in, my grandparents were married in, my father and all his siblings were baptized in, I graduated from high school in, and my father and step-mother were married in. Also Dr. Geek and I are somewhat traditional in our Mass tastes, we enjoy the pomp and ceremony of the 11:30 solemn Mass, but at one point this afternoon the organ wasn't sounding so grand and solemn. After the recessional the organist started in on a post lude that sent me back 20 years.
Having attended the girls high school on the same square block of the church our school masses took place in this church. At the beginning of the year we had an opening mass, the Mass of the Holy Spirit. Well my freshman year I'm standing in the church with my parents and a good friend and her family when the organist begins with the Gloria. I got the worst case of church giggles ever! Why you ask, well what ever musical selection this Gloria came from had the distinct sounds of a Merry-Go-Round calliope. So fast forward to this afternoon, the post lude also had the distinct sounds of the calliope. I know it is awful to point out, but rather humorous at the same time.
Another random thought...
As Dr. Geek and I were driving from Mass to the local mall to run a few errands we passed a car with a tiny, little, elderly gentleman driving. This man looked like a leprechaun. He had the Irish cap and a large smile on his face that looked as if he were the most happy he could ever be. We strongly suspect that he was able to see over the dashboard only by looking through the space between the dashboard and the steering wheel. What also made this situation rather odd was the juxtaposition. At that exact moment I was talking with a dear friend whose father just passed away this weekend after a long illness. I guess you have to find joy where ever you can!