Well there was some excitement in the ole' Geek homestead tonight. I arrived home late this afternoon and heard the dull sound of a smoke alarm in the hallway. I didn't smell any smoke so I called the apartment manager and left a message that I heard an alarm but didn't smell smoke but he should check out where it was coming from. About 20 minutes later I heard some commotion outside and looked into the hallway to see the apartment manager along with another tenant with the wall unit fire hose and fire extinguisher heading for the apartment next door. Just then Dr. Geek arrived home and the fun began. Someone called 911 and the Police arrived and told us all to get out. So ever the scrapbooker I grabbed our wedding and honeymoon albums and Dr. Geek turned off all our computers and we headed for the door. I only thought to bring my school laptop when I nearly tripped over my laptop bag on the way out the door. Just as we arrived in the lobby the local fire departments from our city and the neighboring town arrived. The teacher in me kicked in and I made Dr. Geek go across the street from our building and then I went and told the rest of the residents to move across the street. Well there was a great deal of excitement for what appears to be a pot left on the stove unattended for a prolonged period of time. This is my worst nightmare, that I will have done something that absent minded. As I mentioned earlier I was ever the scrapbooker because I grabbed my camera from my purse. I just couldn't resist the antenna ball on one of the fire department vehicles. I'm very glad to report that all is well and Dr. Geek and I are back home safe and sound examining our renter's insurance options!
PS Dad you will be happy to know that when I saw our apartment manager going into the aprtment next door I went to the ajoining wall of our apartment and felt for heat!