I know it has been some time since I last updated. Dr. Geek & I are in the process of moving out of our apartment and into our house. I have to practice saying "our house" and not "the house."
Anyhow, I am not a packing person. Dr. Geek has been fabulous and pretty much packed up our entire place on his own. He's also been taking, considerable, time from work to meet with electricians, plumbers, handy-men etc. The nature of my employment/employer doesn't lend itself to frequent time off during the school day.
Since the moving truck arrives on Wednesday yesterday was chuck fill of moving errands. We rented a U-Haul bright and early and emptied out our storage unit. We brought a large quantity of empty boxes back to our apartment to pack up the various small appliances. Our next stop was St. Vincent de Paul and this time only one item of ours was rejected! Afterwards we made our way to Lowes and Dr. Geek got his grill, 2 ladders and a new kitchen faucet. We finally arrived at our house around 4:30 and unpacked the U-Haul into our garage. There is a ton-o-stuff that can be purged so I see many weekends out in the garage making the piles from Clean Sweep--keep, trash, yard sale, charity.
Today we were all set to get a bunch of stuff packed and moved, with the help of some friends, as well as make a trip to IKEA but those plans are now pushed back for the moment because Dr. Geek & I are trying to locate our insurance documents that have been packed because my car, along with 4 others in the building, got broken into last night. Oh happy, happy, joy, joy!